The REC scholar program is seeking late post-doctoral or early junior-faculty candidates. The goal of the program is to enhance the development of future research leaders in ADRD research. All applicants should review the following requirements before formally applying to the program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants should be appointed at the Instructor or Assistant Professor level. Post-Doctoral candidates who are approaching the start of their independent career in Alzheimer disease and related disorders will also be considered.
  • Applicants must be able to commit 50% effort to research training with funding from
    departmental support or other training award such as a T32 or KL2, or an independent career development award
  • Applicants must be US citizens, non-citizen nationals or have permanent residence

Application Process

Applicants must complete the online REC Scholar Application which is currently closed.

All applications must include:

  • Current CV
  • 1 letter of recommendation from your current mentor
  • 1 letter of commitment from your proposed REC mentor
    • If your current mentor and REC mentor are the same person, please include a letter of recommendation from another mentor. Your letters must be from two different people.
  • Personal statement regarding goals in ADRD research
  • 1-page research concept proposal
  • Letter of support from department chair stating support for 50% research effort
  • Mentor biosketch and mentor training table from current mentor
  • Mentor biosketch and mentor training table from proposed REC mentor

Do not complete the online application until you have the required documents above to include as attachments!

Benefits of the REC Scholar Program

  1. A mentored Independent Research Experience 
  2. Individualized Development Plan (IDP) to address training and career goals 
  3. Mini-Residencies within the Cores of the Knight ADRC 
  4. Monthly Career Development Seminar and Annual Career Development Retreat 
  5. Assistance in applying for funding through a variety of sources 
  6. Monetary support for seminar travel, didactic coursework and eligible activities identified on IDP (such as externships, minor equipment expenses, etc.)

*Please Note: COVID-19 may impact some program activities.  Exposure to research participants and patients will be subject to COVID-19 protocols.  

Please direct any questions to