The Washington University School of Medicine Charles F. and Joanne Knight Alzheimer Disease Research Center (ADRC) Research Education Component (REC) began in May 2020.  The long-term goal of the REC is to support the career development of the next generation of ADRD researchers by providing the trainings, knowledge and resources that early-career investigators need to succeed in the field. While the REC Scholars Program supports junior faculty, the REC Pathway Program works to connect with a wider range of trainees to support their interest in ADRD research.

The REC Pathway Program leverages national collaborative relationships as well as the rich research and training resources available at Washington University to support Pathway Trainees along the entire training continuum.

The REC Pathway Program includes:

  • Partnership with other programs to engage trainees earlier in their careers
  • Assistance with mentor matching
  • Research resources
  • ADRD Research Undergraduate Journal Club
  • Participation in some trainings, seminars and poster sessions

See below for information on programs that may be of interest to Pathway Program trainees:

Undergraduate Students

Post-Bacc Trainees

Medical Students

Pre and Postdoctoral Trainees

Junior Faculty

  • REC Scholar Program
    • 1-2 year training program to support the career development of junior faculty

To access Pathway Program resources, or for more information about the program, please contact REC staff at