What is the Adult Children Study?
The Adult Children Study (ACS) is a research study that is seeking volunteers ages 45 to 64 at the time of enrollment in order to help detect the earliest signs or markers of dementing illnesses, such as Alzheimer disease (AD).
Who can volunteer?
You may be eligible to participate in the Adult Children Study if:
- You are healthy and age 40 and older with or without memory loss at the time of enrollment
- Have a study partner (spouse, family member or friend) who will be interviewed about your memory and thinking
- Have two parents who were never affected by AD and lived past 70 years of age
OR - Have a parent who developed AD before the age of 80
How often will I been seen?
- You and a person who knows you well (a study partner) will be asked to come to the Memory and Aging Project offices for evaluations of your memory and thinking every 3 years until you reach 65 years old. After age 65, participants will be evaluated on an annual basis.
- Updates via a secure website or telephone will be completed during the years that you do not complete an in-office clinical assessment and psychometric testing.
- If memory and thinking problems are detected during the course of your participation, you will be asked to come in for annual assessments.
What study procedures are a part of the ACS?
Interviews in our office with the study participant and study partner are performed to assess the participant’s memory and thinking. These last between 2-3 hours.
Blood sample is taken to test DNA for genetic causes of AD.
A lumbar puncture is performed to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF contains proteins and other chemicals that are important for brain health and provides a unique “window” into understanding how Alzheimer disease develops and progresses.
Psychometric testing of the study participant’s memory and thinking is preformed in our office. This testing takes between 2-3 hours.
Brain scans using positron emission tomography (PET) are conducted.
ACS participants are compensated up to $525 for time and effort.
What is brain donation?
We now know more about Alzheimer disease than ever before. This is in large part due to the dedication of research volunteers and the gift of brain donation for autopsy. A brain autopsy confirms a diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) and identifies clues about other diseases that may be present in brain tissue. Information from the autopsy helps researchers better understand Alzheimer Disease and find a cure to help future generations. Learn more about this voluntary contribution from our Brain Donation Fact Sheet.
Contact Us
A Memory and Aging Project (MAP) team member can provide you with information about the Adult Children Study and answer any questions you may have. Use our online inquiry form or give us a call!
Call MAP at (314) 286-2683 for further information.