No one should experience cognitive changes or the caregiving experience without a strong support system to navigate the transitions dementia can bring. The Knight ADRC offers four specialty support groups for care partners and patients with memory and thinking changes. Support groups are hosted monthly over Zoom and provide a valuable opportunity to meet and talk to others. Our groups are facilitated by social workers and Knight ADRC staff with over 75 years of combined experience working with patients and families. We encourage everyone to learn more about support groups and consider if building a network of support is right for you.
To learn more about support groups mentioned below and to see if one is right for you, please contact Jennifer at phillipsj@wustl.edu or 314-286-2882.
Care Partner Groups
- Young/Early Onset Alzheimer and Dementia Care Partners (a discussion group for care partners, family, and friends of someone experiencing memory and thinking changes or diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65)
- Research Participant Care Partners (a discussion group for care partners, family, and friends of someone with memory and thinking changes who also participate in the Memory and Aging Project research program and/or clinical trials through the Knight ADRC Clinical Trials Unit)
Patient Groups
- Young/Early Onset Alzheimer and Dementia (a discussion group for patients experience memory and thinking changes or diagnosed with dementia before the age of 65)
- Research Participant Group (a discussion group for people with memory and thinking changes who also participate in the Memory and Aging Project research program and/or clinical trials through the Knight ADRC Clinical Trials Unit)