A brief list of literature related to the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR®) Dementia Staging Instrument can be found at the links below:
- Interobserver Disagreements on Clinical Dementia Rating Assessment: Interpretation and Implications for Training. Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Kimberly Schafer, John C. Morris. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders 2001; 15: 155-161. Abstract Link
- Morris JC. The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): Current version and scoring rules. Neurology 1993; 43:2412-2414. Abstract Link
- Hughes CP, Berg L, Danziger WL, Coben, LA, Martin, RL. A new clinical scale for the staging of dementia. Br J Psychiatry 1982; 140:566-572. Abstract Link
- Berg L. Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR). Psychopharmacol Bull 1988; 24:637-639. Abstract Link
- Morris JC, Berg L, Coben LA, Rubin EH, Deuel R, Wittenborn R,et.al Clinical Dementia Rating. In Treating “Alzheimer’s and other Dementias”. M. Bergener and S. Finkel (eds) 1995, 338-346. Morris JC, Ernesto C, Schafer K, et. al. Clinical Dementia Rating training and reliability in multicenter studies: The Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study experience. Neurology 1997; 48:1508-1510. Abstract Link
- Rockwood K,Strang D, MacKnight C, et. al. Interrater reliability of the Clinical Dementia Rating in a multicenter trial. JAGS 2000; 48:558-559. Abstract Link
- Morris JC, McKeel DW Jr, Fulling K, Torack RM, Berg L. Validation of clinical diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer’s disease. Ann Neurol 1988; 24:17-22. Abstract Link
- Burke WJ, Miller JP, Rubin EH, et. al. Reliability of the Washington University Clinical Dementia Rating. Arch Neurol 1988; 45:31-32. Abstract Link
- Berg L. Clinical Dementia Rating [correspondence]. Br J Psychiatry 1984; 145:339. Abstract Link
- Berg L, Miller JP, Storandt M, et. al. Mild senile dementia of the Alzheimer type: 2. Longitudinal assessment. Ann Neurol 1988; 23:477-484. Abstract Link
- McCulla MM, Coats M, Van Fleet N, Duchek J, Grant E, Morris JC. Reliability of clinical nurse specialists in the staging of dementia. Arch Neurol 1989; 46:1210-1211. Abstract Link