Announcement List Registration & Events Calendar
If you don’t already receive Tuesday Seminar announcements, you can use the registration button below to become a part of the list. By joining the email list, you will receive weekly notices including links to register for a seminar of interest.
The weekly seminar was launched over 50 years ago by Leonard Berg, MD (founding director of the Knight ADRC), to bring together clinicians interested in learning about dementia. The original Tuesday Noon Seminar led to the founding of what is now the Knight ADRC. The Seminar, a speaker-based series moderated by Knight ADRC Director Dr. Morris, continues the long tradition of covering a broad range of topics including all phases of the translational research spectrum. The Seminar provides a forum for sharing cutting-edge AD/ADRD research and techniques and provides a weekly opportunity for researchers, trainees, staff, and faculty to network and present their research in progress.
The Tuesday Seminar is held weekly on Tuesdays from 12:00pm – 1:00pm Central Time online via Zoom. Announcements with registration links are sent out weekly via a seminar announcements distribution list. Each seminar requires pre-registration to receive the seminar’s Zoom link.
Announcements are normally sent out on Thursdays to the Seminar Distribution List (for the upcoming Tuesday’s talk) and Tuesday mornings (for that day’s seminar). If you have not received your Zoom registration link, please contact Emma Swinford at
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- In you have Promotions and Social tabs enabled in Gmail, the announcement email may be in one of those tabs.
To access a searchable listing of past Tuesday Seminar presentations (2000-Present), click the button below. The listing contains: date of presentation, presenter name, institutional affiliation, and talk title. Anyone can access this list. Note that prior to 2020, some events may be missing or inaccurate due to last minute changes/cancellations.
Access to the previous seminar presentations video archive is NOT available for individuals outside of Washington University in St. Louis. However, you can use this list of previous seminar presentations to view a searchable list of all seminar presentations since 2000. If you would like to view a past presenter’s talk, you will need to reach out to the presenter directly. Note that recordings have only been made available since August of 2020, and some presenters have requested their talks not be captured due to sensitive or unpublished data being presented.
For individuals within Washington University, an archive of available presentations is available via Box by clicking the button below. Note that recordings have only been made available since August of 2020, and some presenters have requested their talks not be captured due to sensitive or unpublished data being presented.
If you have new findings to share in this series, please contact Emma Swinford at to schedule a presentation date.
To be removed from the seminar email list, send a request to For faster service, an unsubscribe link is also provided at the bottom of every seminar announcement email starting January 2023.
SPONSORED BY: This activity is being sponsored by Washington University School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education.

ACCREDITATION: Washington University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
CREDIT: Washington University designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
DISCLOSURE POLICY: It is the policy of Washington University School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education, to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all its educational activities. All faculty participating in this activity are expected to disclose to the audience any financial interest or other relationship he/she has with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) discussed in an educational presentation. All physicians’ disclosures were reported and are indicated with their presentations. Speakers are also expected to openly disclose inclusion of discussion of any off-label, experimental, or investigational use of drugs or devices in their presentations.
Presentations are expected to be based on evidence that is accepted within the profession of medicine as adequate justification for their indication in the care of patients. All scientific research should conform to the generally accepted standards of experimental design, data collection and analysis.
These presentations are the views and experiences of the presenters. The presenters’ views do not represent the policy or position of Washington University School of Medicine. Washington University School of Medicine, Continuing Medical Education is the sponsor for CME credits.