Important Printing Notices

How We Operate: Before submitting an order, carefully review the following pages to avoid situations where your poster is not printed: Guidelines, FAQ, Cost & Billing.

Available Print Slots: 100 print slots are available per available Wednesday. The number of remaining printing slots can viewed on our Poster Printing Queue page. Direct any questions to BEFORE submitting a poster.

SERVICE INTERRUPTION: Printing will be unavailable on the following Wednesdays. Consult our FAQ for other locations to print.

  • September 10, 2025
  • September 17, 2025
  • October 8, 2025
  • October 15, 2025
  • November 26, 2025
  • December 24, 2025
  • December 31, 2025

Submission Deadline

The below form will cease to accept submissions after 100 poster submissions or at 5pm on each Tuesday (whichever situation occurs first). If the form is visible and you attempt to submit an order past the deadline, you will receive an error message.

Knight ADRC Poster Printing Request
We cannot process any form of payment other than through a WU Cost Center. A Cost Center always starts with CC followed by 7 digits. Speak to your department's business office or your PI for your appropriate Cost Center that will cover the cost of your poster. Providing incorrect information may result in your order being rejected/cancelled.
Please attach 1 poster per PDF file. 5 max files attached to this form, or up to 100 via our Box Upload option selectable further below.
Do you need ADDITIONAL copies of your poster?
If you select "No" above, you will receive 1 print of your file.
Only change this IF you want ADDITIONAL copies of your poster printed.
We will contact this email regarding pick-up.
We only print on Wednesdays. The deadline for submissions is 5pm the immediate Tuesday before. Some Wednesdays may be unavailable; see top of this page for unavailable dates.
List your principal investigator, mentor or supervisor.
Department responsible for payment. No numbers.
Who handles your purchasing/billing or is a part of your business office?
Also provide a justification in this space for the poster if charging the cost to a grant.

Media Type Selection

Please note that we only print on foldable fabric.

Sizing Specifications

You should already know your poster file's dimensions (height and width) before selecting one of the scaling options below. The largest poster we can print is 42" x  708". Refer to Our Maximum Printable Dimensions section for more detailed information. If you have questions, contact before submitting a poster order.

Scaling Desired:

* Results in no additional margin other than the printer's default margin found on all posters. Scaling is applied proportionally to the entire poster.

Unsure of sizing with scaling? Use our Scaling Calculator.

Printing with Margins

Printed posters where one dimension is not either 36" or 42" will result in a margin. When possible, we put the margin below the bottom dimension (as if it were hanging for presentation). Sometimes, typically with vertical/portrait posters, this is not possible and the margin will end up on either the right or left side of the poster. Please answer the question below on how you want the margin to appear should this happen. Per our FAQ, we do not trim posters.

If my posters ends up with a margin on the left/right side, please:

Printing Acknowledgment & Terms of Printing

By clicking the box below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood the following pages as they relate to printing posters at the Knight ADRC: Poster Homepage, Cost & Billing, FAQ, Fonts & Posters, Guidelines, Logos & Templates and Media Types. You also acknowledge that providing incorrect information on this order form may result in your order being rejected/cancelled. Questions regarding these pages should be directed to BEFORE submitting an order.

Printing & Terms Acknowledgment

File Revision Fee

By clicking the box below, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood that as of January 1, 2025, revised poster files submitted to the Knight ADRC poster service between the hours of 12pm and 5pm on Tuesdays will incur a $20 revision fee per submitted revision in addition to the standard cost of the printed poster. A list of alternative locations that print posters is provided on our FAQ page.

Revision Fee Acknowledgment

Sending Poster Files

  • Absolutely no files (new or revisions) are accepted for printing after 5pm on Tuesday. Orders without poster files will be cancelled at 5pm without exception.
  • We only accept PDF files for printing.
  • Up to 5 PDF files totaling less that 30MB may be attached to this form. All attached files must be billed to the same funding source and scaled similarly. Otherwise, submit a separate order for each unalike poster file.
  • If your attachments exceed 5 files and/or total more than 30MB, you can use our Box Poster Upload option. If you select this option, once you submit this order form you will be redirected to the Box Poster Upload page.
  • You have 1 hour to upload your files via the Box Upload option once you submit this order form or your order will be cancelled. Please note that absolutely no files will be accepted past the 5pm deadline on a Tuesday. If you submit an order at 4:50pm on a Tuesday, your file must be uploaded by 5pm or your order will be cancelled.
  • Triple-check each file you send. It is your responsibility to verify the dimension of the PDF(s) you are submitting match the source document's dimensions and the contents look correct. We will not edit any submitted file in any way before printing. We print exactly what you provide at the scaling you select on this order form.
  • It is your responsibility to know (1) your poster file's dimensions, (2) your allotted poster display space at the venue, and (3) the final print size of your poster based upon the scaling option you selected above. Use our Scaling Calculator to calculate a final print sizes.
  • If you submit a PDF sized at 8.5x11 or 7.5x13.333 and select Same as File's Dimensions for the Scaling Desired section, your order will be cancelled. Check the dimensions of your PDF(s) BEFORE submitting this form!

It is strongly recommended that you DO NOT attach your poster file(s) to this order form directly from an online storage provider such as OneDrive, Box, or Dropbox. Attach a copy of your poster file(s) that resides on a local (or directly attached) hard drive.

You should always see a copy of the file(s) that you attach to the poster order form also attached to the order confirmation email. If you don't, immediately email and note your Order ID along with attaching your poster file(s) to the email. If you opt to upload your files via our Box Upload option, you will not see any attachments with your order confirmation email.

I will provide my poster file via:

Maximum file size: 30MB

Add up to 5 PDF files totaling less than 30MB. All attached files must be billed to the same funding source and scaled similarly. Otherwise, submit a separate order for each unalike poster file.
Note that it may take some time (up to a minute or more) for the page to refresh and show the order confirmation page once you click Submit depending upon the size of your attachments. Your browser tab may indicate the file is uploading with a spinning circle. Be patient and don't click twice.