The searchable archive below contains a list of Knight ADRC Tuesday Seminar presenters, the date of their presentation, institutional affiliation, and the title of their talk. The archive starts in 2000 with listings displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Note that prior to 2020, some events may be missing or inaccurate due to last minute changes/cancellations.

Total Entries: 1249


February 6, 2024Marta Stojanovic, PhD


Effects and determinants of exercise and physical activity in older adults
January 30, 2024Dmitriy A. Yablonskiy, PhD

WashU Medicine

In vivo Quantitative Evaluation of Brain Tissue Morphological and Microstructural Neurodegeneration in AD with Quantitative Gradient Recalled Echo (qGRE) MRI
January 23, 2024Andrew S. Yoo, PhD

WashU Medicine

Modeling late-onset human neurodegeneration through direct neuronal reprogramming
January 16, 2024Reshma Bhagat, PhD

WashU Medicine

Regulatory role of long noncoding RNAs in Tauopathy
January 9, 2024Soumya Mukherjee, PhD

WashU Medicine

Characterizing Big Tau in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
January 2, 2024No Seminar

Winter Break
December 26, 2023No Seminar

Winter Break
December 19, 2023Travis Tabor, MSTP

WashU Medicine

Elucidating roles of microglial lipid droplets in neurodegeneration
December 12, 2023Joseph Mathurin, PhD & Qing Wang, PhD

WashU Medicine

Investigating Neuroinflammation in AD Using Diffusion-based MRI and Presenilin-1 mutation position influences amyloidosis, small vessel disease, and dementia with disease stage” AND “Investigating Neuroinflammation in AD Using Diffusion-based MRI
December 5, 2023Sarah Lovegreen

Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter

Alzheimer’s Association Strategy and Update
November 28, 2023Jessica Mozersky, PhD & Michelle Jenkerson, RN, BS, CCRC

WashU Medicine

Capacity to Consent
November 21, 2023Gilbert Gallardo, PhD

WashU Medicine

Identifying Mechanism of Neurodegeneration to develop Therapeutic Strategies”
November 14, 2023Terri Hosto, LCSW, MSW, Dotti McDowell, & Marilyn Wilson, MSW

WashU Medicine

Strategies and Best Practices: Working with Difficult Participants
November 7, 2023Jeremy Strain, PhD

WashU Medicine

ADOPICS: Alzheimer’s Dementia Onset Progression in International Cohorts
October 31, 2023Kellen Peterson, PhD

WashU Medicine

Interpretable Machine Learning-Based Scoring Systems with Applications to Alzheimer’s Disease
October 24, 2023DEI Training #4

WashU Medicine

From Theory to Action: Practicing Upstanding to Build an Inclusive Institution
October 17, 2023Audrey Keleman

WashU Medicine

Complex Daily Tasks in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease
October 10, 2023Jiyeon Lee, PhD

WashU Medicine

Therapeutic application of circadian gene ‘REV-ERBα’ for Alzheimer’s disease
October 3, 2023No Seminar

Enhancing Participation by Minoritized Groups in Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementia Research Conference
September 30, 2023Rebecca Rengo

Saint Louis University

A Model of Care Management
September 26, 2023Nupur Ghoshal, MD, PhD

WashU Medicine

Researching the RD of ADRD: The ALLFTD Consortium
September 19, 2023Chihiro Sato, PhD

WashU Medicine

Updates on tau biomarkers and kinetics in AD and tauopathies
September 12, 2023Chengjie Xiong, PhD

WashU Medicine

Updates and Sharing of MAP, DIAN, and NAPS Databases
September 5, 2023Andy Aschenbrenner, PhD

WashU Medicine

Cutting through the noise: Using Cognitive Dynamics to obtain a ”complete” picture of cognition
August 29, 2023Brendan Lucey, PhD

WashU Medicine

Sleep and Alzheimer Disease:  An Update on HASD Project 2