The searchable archive below contains a list of Knight ADRC Tuesday Seminar presenters, the date of their presentation, institutional affiliation, and the title of their talk. The archive starts in 2000 with listings displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Note that prior to 2020, some events may be missing or inaccurate due to last minute changes/cancellations.

Total Entries: 1222


August 2, 2005Brad Dickerson, MD

Harvard Medical School

Memory and human medial temporal lobe function and structure: From health to AD
July 26, 2005Joan D’Ambrose

Alzheimer’s Association, St. Louis Chapter

Alzheimer’s Association Update
July 19, 2005Jim Galvin

Washington University

July 12, 2005Martha Storandt

Washington University

Rate of progression in mild cognitive impairment: A comparison of diagnostic criteria
July 5, 2005William A. Peck

Washington University

Washington University Center for Health Policy: An Overview & Update
June 28, 2005Ben Tu

Washington University

The effect of IGF-1 on APP
June 21, 2005Jin Moo-Lee

Washington University

An amyloid-degrading protease?
June 14, 2005Randy Bateman

Washington University

Amyloid-beta metabolism in humans: Results of a pilot study
June 7, 2005Alison Goate

Washington University

Update from the Genetics Core
May 31, 2005Gene Rubin, MD

Washington University

May 24, 2005Dan McKeel, MD

Washington University

AD and Related Dementias: Issues Still in Need of Resolution
May 17, 2005No Seminar

Friedman Lecture
May 10, 2005Brenda Kurland

University of Washington

Analysis of Longitudinal Data Censored by Dropout or Death
May 3, 2005Kenneth Langa

University of Michigan

On Love and Money: The Health Economics of Aging Parents
April 26, 2005Sylvain Lehman

Montpellier School of Medicine

Prion propagation in cell culture: Parameters and consequences
April 19, 2005Nancy Morrow-Howell

Washington University

Depression & Intervention in Public Community Long Term Care
April 12, 2005No Seminar

AAN Meeting
April 5, 2005John C. Morris

Washington University

Pre-AAN Clinical Update
March 29, 2005TBA

March 22, 2005Lisa Geraci

Washington University

Aging and implicit memory: The role of task demands and neurological functioning
March 15, 2005Stephen Duntley

Washington University

Sleep and Performance
March 8, 2005M. Brandon Westover

Washington University

Automated detection of beta amyloid in digital images using texture
March 1, 2005Jianxin Bao

Washington University

The role of Neuregulin-1 in age-related hearing loss
February 22, 2005Consuelo Wilkins

Washington University

Consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency in Older Adults with and without AD
February 15, 2005Sami Barmada

Washington University

Localization of fluorescent prion protein in healthy and prion-infected transgenic animals