The searchable archive below contains a list of Knight ADRC Tuesday Seminar presenters, the date of their presentation, institutional affiliation, and the title of their talk. The archive starts in 2000 with listings displayed in reverse chronological order (most recent first). Note that prior to 2020, some events may be missing or inaccurate due to last minute changes/cancellations.

Total Entries: 1251


December 19, 2000Amanda J. Myers


Second Stage Follow-Up of a Genome-Wide Screen for Novel Risk Factors Involved in Late Onset Alzheimer’s Disease
December 12, 2000Serge Przedborski, MD

Columbia University

The Neurotoxin MPTP: A Tool to Explore the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease
December 5, 2000Patricia M. Scannell & Philip A. Ludbrook, MD


IRB Issues and Discussion
November 28, 2000Bruce A. Yankner, MD, PhD

Harvard Medical School and Children’s Hospital

Towards a Unified Hypothesis for the Etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
November 21, 2000Carl Bassi, PhD

University of Missouri, St. Louis

What the Alzheimer Eye Tells the Alzheimer Brain
November 14, 2000Randy Buckner, PhD


Functional Brain Imaging of Nondemented and Demented Older Adults
November 7, 2000Thomas Meuser, PhD & Samuel J. Marwitt, PhD

WashU & University of Missouri, St. Louis

Anticipatory Grief in Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers: A Descriptive Model
October 31, 2000Joseph D. Buxbaum, PhD

Mount Sinai School of Medicine

The Role of A-Beta in Alzheimer’s Disease
October 24, 2000William Burke, MD

St. Louis University Medical Center

Catecholamine Aldehyde Metabolites in Neurodegeneration and Atherosclerosis
October 17, 2000Shan Ping Yu, MD, PhD


Na+, K+-ATPase and Neuronal Cell Death: Ionic Basis for Apoptosis and Necrosis
October 10, 2000John C. Morris, MD


Mild Cognitive Impairment Represents Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease
October 3, 2000Xianlin Han, PhD


Changes in Specific Brain Lipids: Potential Role in Alzheimer’s Disease
September 26, 2000Herman Buschke, MD

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Screening for Memory Impairment in Alzheimer’s Disease
September 19, 2000Martin R. Farlow, MD

Indiana University School of Medicine

Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment and Predictions of Response
September 12, 2000Myra Audd, RN, PhD

University of Missouri, St. Louis

Residents with Dementia in Assisted Living Facilities and the Need for Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facilities
September 5, 2000Robert Brendza, PhD


Effects of ApoE on Amyloid-Beta Protein Structure and Neuritic Toxicity
August 29, 2000Louis Chang, MSTP


Alzheimer-like Neurodegeneration in Aged Antinerve Growth Factor Trangenic Mice
August 22, 2000William Powers, MD


Cerebrovascular Physiology in Alzheimer’s Disease
August 15, 2000Jason M. Watson


Semantic, Phonological, and Hybrid Veridical and False Memories in Young, Healthy Old, and in Alzheimer’s Disease Individuals
August 8, 2000Sue Leon, MSN, RN, GNP


Evaluation of Massage Therapy on Chronic Pain in Institutionalized Older Adults
August 1, 2000Thomas Meuser, PhD, Terri Hosto, MSW, & Jan Palmer, MSN, RN


Summary on Creative Care Presentations at World Alzheimer Congress 2000
July 25, 2000Kevin A. Roth, MD, PhD


Stimulus- and Maturation-Specific Neuronal Apoptotic Pathways
July 18, 2000John C. Morris, MD, Eugene M. Johnson, Jr., PhD, & David Holtzman, MD


Summary of Key Research Presented at World Alzheimer Congress 2000
July 11, 2000No Seminar

World Alzheimer Congress 2000
July 4, 2000No Seminar
