The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.
Search Terms:
Investigator: Dustin Hammers
Project Title: Lifestyle Interventions for the Treatment of Early-Onset AD Study (LITES)
Date: July 12, 2023 at 3:28 pm
Request ID: S2308
Aim 1: To evaluate the feasibility of a lifestyle intervention combining cognitive training and Tai Chi in participants with EOAD.
Aim 2: To investigate if this intervention improves cognitive, functional, and mood outcomes in participants with EOAD compared to an active control condition.
Aim 3: To examine if training or clinical variables moderate benefit from this combined lifestyle intervention.
Aim 4:
Investigator: Chengjie Xiong
Project Title: Linkages between Alzheimer Deisease Biomarkers and Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter
Date: April 10, 2023 at 12:09 pm
Request ID: S2307
Aim 1: Use digital collection of exposure to particulate matter (PM1 and PM2.5) on all new and currently active MAP participants with ongoing longitudinal CSF, imaging, and SDOH. Determine cross sectional longitudinal association of PM1 and PM2.5 with CSF and plasma, Imaging, and Cognition.
Aim 2: Assess the role of fine particulate matter exposure in the racial differences of AD biomarkers between self-reported Black/African American and Non-Hispanic White (NHW) individuals.
Aim 3: Examine the role of inflammation (CSF sTREM2, CSF YKL-40, plasma GFAP) and vascular burden (white matter hyperintensities (WMH), body mass index (BMI)) in the association between fine particulate matter exposure and AD biomarkers and cognition.
Aim 4:
Investigator: Gregory Van Stavern
Project Title: Longitudinal validation of retinal biomarkers against cerebral imaging in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease
Date: April 6, 2023 at 3:03 pm
Request ID: S2306
Aim 1: Identify retinal biomarker differences between preclinical AD participants (Ab PET+) and cognitively unimpaired (CU) older adults.
Aim 2: Validate candidate retinal biomarkers cross-sectionally against cerebral biomarkers using Ab PET as a measure of cerebral amyloidosis and MRI as a measure of neurodegeneration.
Aim 3: Determine the longitudinal relationship between retinal and brain imaging biomarkers, and the ability of baseline retinal biomarkers to predict cognitive and/or brain imaging biomarker changes over 3-year follow-up.
Aim 4: Assess the combined sensitivity and specificity of candidate retinal biomarkers with emergent plasma biomarkers in AD risk prediction.
Investigator: Tammie Benzinger
Project Title: Investigation of Inflammation in Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) using [11C]-CS1P1
Date: April 5, 2023 at 12:47 pm
Request ID: S2305
Aim 1: Aim 1 will consist of 60 adult volunteers that will be recruited and scanned to characterize [11C] CS1P1 uptake on PET scans of the brain and cervical lymph nodes, to assess for radiolabeled metabolites ( 30 healthy participants and 30 ADRD participants)
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:
Investigator: Jason Hassenstab
Project Title: Psychological Well Being and Momentary Cognition
Date: February 22, 2023 at 11:21 pm
Request ID: S2304
Aim 1: To determine if day to day changes in cognition are related to well-being and whether this relationship can predict AD pathological burden and disease progression.
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:
Investigator: Tammie Benzinger
Project Title: F18 – Fluselenamyl Beta Amyloid PET Imaging for Alzheimer Disease
Date: February 3, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Request ID: S2303
Aim 1: Dosimetry – To assess the dosimetry and safety of F18-Fluselenamyl in healthy adult volunteers (n=8, recruited and scanning)
Aim 2: Proof of Concept: To assess F18-Fluselenamyl sensitivity for imaging Amyloid beta pathophysiology and conduct comparative analysis of PET imaging data using C11-PIB imaging in same participants. (n=36, 18 healthy (9 male and 9 female) with CDR 0 and 18 AD participants(9 M and 9 F) with CDR >=0.5)
Aim 3: Aim 3A: Aim 2 participants will be invited for a short term f/u to undergo repeat F18-Fluselenamyl ~1 month after baseline FSA scan (n=10)
Aim 4: Aim 3B: 18 participants from Aim 2 will have a longitudinal f/u visit ~18 months after the initial study visit to repeat Fluselenamyl, PIB, MRI scan.
Investigator: Brendan Lucey
Project Title: Acute effect of lemborexant on CSF amyloid-beta and tau
Date: January 24, 2023 at 11:47 am
Request ID: S2302
Aim 1: To test the hypothesis that treatment with lemborexant 25 mg will decrease the CSF pT181/T181 ratio compared to placebo (primary outcome).
Aim 2: Measure the effect of lemborexant on other CSF AD biomarkers such as pS202/S202, pT217/T217, and Aβ (secondary outcomes).
Aim 3:
Aim 4:
Investigator: Andrei Vlassenko and Manu Goyal
Project Title: White Matter Metabolism in the Context of Aging, White Matter Hyperintensities, and Alzheimer’s Disease
Date: January 23, 2023 at 5:02 pm
Request ID: S2301
Aim 1: Determine the quantitative topography of white matter metabolism (including glucose metabolism, oxygen metabolism, cerebral blood flow, and aerobic glycolysis in relation to structural/microstructural brain MRI in healthy young adults and older adults without white matter hyperintensities (WMH).
Aim 2: Determine the quantitative topography of white matter metabolism in cognitively unimpaired older adults with WMH. We will compare these data to those obtained in Aim 1.
Aim 3: Analyze brain MRIs in our existing cohort of adults who have previously undergone metabolic PET imaging.
Aim 4:
Investigator: Ilya E. Monosov
Project Title: High precision within subject reverse engineering of psychiatric disorders
Date: January 24, 2022 at 9:47 am
Request ID: S2105
Aim 1: High precision rapid online behavioral assay to reverse engineer maladaptive behavior within individual subjects
Aim 2: Uncovering precise behavioral variables that disrupt adaptive decision making and cognition
Aim 3: Relating identified disruptions in adaptive behavior to genetics
Aim 4:
Investigator: John Morris
Project Title: Phase III Elan Passive Immunization with ApoE 4 carriers
Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:29 pm
Request ID: S0817
Aim 1:
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4: