The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.
Search Terms:

Investigator: Alison Goate
Project Title: Molecular correlates of Alzheimer’s neuropathology in non-demented individuals
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1511
Aim 1: Identify gene expression and DNA methylation correlates of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and cell numbers in non-demented individuals
Aim 2: Identify microglial-specific molecular correlates of Alzheimer�s neuropathology in non-demented individuals
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: John Morris/Nigel Cairns
Project Title: Multimodal Characterization of Hippocampal Sclerosis
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1510
Aim 1: determine the distinguishing immunohistochemical features of HS in comparison with AD and normal aging (to include stereological assessment of neuronal loss across the entire hippocampus into the entorhinal cortex; TDP43 severity, distribution, and type of inclusions; gliosis; concomitant pathologi
Aim 2: is to determine the clinical features of HS as distinguished from AD and aging
Aim 3: determine the distinguishing biomarker features (MRI; CSF; etc) of HS in comparison with AD and aging
Aim 4:

Investigator: Sherry Ferguson
Project Title: Alzheimer�s disease (AD) in African Americans and Caucasians: Comparisons of biomarkers of inflammation in human tissues.
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1509
Aim 1: Determine race-related differences in cytokine profiles of African Americans and Caucasians with AD
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: NK Robakis
Project Title: PS1 Regulates Processing and Signaling of EphrinB/EphB
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1508
Aim 1: Effects of PS1 FAD mutants on neuronal survival compolexes formed between tyrosine kinase receptors (such as EphB and Trk), PS1 and NR1 compared to normal controls.
Aim 2: Effects of PS1 FAD mutations on brain miR-212 and target protein PED/PEA15 compared to cognitively normal controls.
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Christoph Laske
Project Title: Inflammatory profiling in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid in amyloid positive vs. amyloid negative cognitively normal elderly individuals
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1507
Aim 1: To compare systemic and CNS inflammatory biomarkers between amyloid positive (preclinical AD) vs. amyloid negative cognitively normal elderly individuals
Aim 2: To determine the association between systemic & CNS inflammatory biomarkers & clinical parameters (age, gender, education), biochemical biomarkers (CSF levels of Abeta 1-42, Tau & pTau181) & neuro-imaging biomarkers (cortical PiB-PET) in amyloid positive vs. negative cognitively normal individuals
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Sally Temple
Project Title: iPSC Line Generation to Develop the Tau Consortium Collection
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1506
Aim 1: To generate iPSC from MAPT mutation carriers and related non-carriers
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Timothy M. Miller
Project Title: Determining whether cholinergic-related miRNAs are biomarkers for AD
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1505
Aim 1: Compare miRNA levels in CSF from controls versus CDR 0.5-1.0
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: David L. Brody
Project Title: Identification of the toxic component of Alzheimer patient-derived soluble beta-amyloid oligomers
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1504
Aim 1: Immunopurification and identification via mass spectrometry of the specific beta-amyloid isoforms and co-associated proteins of soluble beta-amyloid oligomers derived from post-mortem Alzheimer’s neocortex.
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Perrin, Richard
Project Title: CSF Biomarker Discovery for AD vs PDD
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1313-A
Aim 1: Identify novel CSF biomarkers for staging AD and PD/PDD
Aim 2: Identify novel CSF biomarkers for differential diagnosis of AD vs PDD
Aim 3: Identify novel prognostic CSF biomarkers for conversion to PIB+ and CDR>0
Aim 4:

Investigator: Professor Emmanuel Mignot
Project Title: Analysis of hypocretin/orexin and Abeta42 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer’s patients and for Genome-wide association analysis
Date: [208]
Request ID: T1503
Aim 1: Assess differences between hypocretin/orexin levels between Alzheimer’s disease patients and controls.
Aim 2: Determine if there is a relationship between hypocretin/orexin levels and Abeta42 levels in the CSF.
Aim 3: Assess hypocretin levels and determine if GWAS analysis reveals any genetic changes in orexin levels.
Aim 4: Determine if results from Aim #3 overlap with genetic changes found that regulate Abeta42.