Search Existing Data Requests

The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.

Search Terms:

Investigator: Denise Head

Project Title: Obesity as a Moderator of Exercise Effects

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D1015

Aim 1: examine whether obesity moderates the effects of exercise on regional brain volumes and amyloid depo

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Investigator: Cacchione, Pamela Z.

Project Title: The Accuracy of Collateral Source Reports in Assessing Individuals for Dementia

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0105

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Investigator: Buckner, Randy L.

Project Title: Hypertension & structural/functional brain changes in healthy aging & early-stage DAT

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0214

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Investigator: Bakal, Donald

Project Title: Algorithm for the Palm Pilot to derive CDRs in clinical practice

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0312

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Investigator: Behrens, Maria

Project Title: Cancer in the elderly with and without Alzheimer’s Disease.

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0333

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Investigator: Behrens, Maria

Project Title: Follow-up of MAP patients with and without anticholinesterase inhibitors.

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0334

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Investigator: Csernansky, John G.

Project Title: Comparison of automatic analysis of hippocampal structure methods

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D0101

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Investigator: Timothy M. Miller

Project Title: Understanding elevated SOD1 in CSF from AD patients

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D1024

Aim 1: Correlate SOD1 levels in CSF with other ADRC measurements on same patients

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Investigator: Jingqin Luo, Chengjie Xiong, Ming an Yang

Project Title: Random change point modele for longitudinal cognitive dementia

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D1023

Aim 1: It is hypothesized that a change point exists

Aim 2: Alzheimer’s disease patients will experience accerlerated dementa after the change point

Aim 3: We will identify the change point in visuospatial score and logical memory jointly

Aim 4: The relationship between the two change points helps clinical utilization of the two change points

Investigator: Mingan Yang, Chengjie Xiong

Project Title: Biostat modelling for Alzheimer’s disease

Date: December 21, 2021 at 5:18 pm

Request ID: D1022

Aim 1: Develop flexible statistical methodology to study issues of Alzeheimer disease

Aim 2: To improve the current methods, to address some issues the medical researchers are interested in

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