The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.
Search Terms:

Investigator: Catherine Roe
Project Title: Amyloid Imaging and CSF biomarkers in predicting cognitive impairment up to 12 and 18 years later
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1605
Aim 1: To examine whether participants with sporadic AD and positive AD biomarkers can stay cognitively normal for up to 18 years
Aim 2: To identify factors that distinguish those who do and do not remain cognitively normal
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Roy M Anderson
Project Title: Phase II and III trial simulators: Using mathematical, computational and statistical techniques to simulate trial design for new products in the treatment of Alzheimer�s disease
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1604
Aim 1: The overall aim is the development of a clinical trial simulator for use in the design of phase II and III clinical trials of novel therapies for the prevention or slowing of AD onset.
Aim 2: A mathematical model will be developed, initially an individual based Discrete-state Markov model. Depending on the data available, other types of mathematical model will be considered.
Aim 3: Parameters of the model will be estimated from real data, these, in addition to the transition probabilities, can be compared between groups, e.g. Sex, presence of APOε4 allele
Aim 4: In order to support model development, an exploratory data analysis will be performed to dissect the relationship between various biomarkers and clinical measures of progression in various data sets.

Investigator: Kewei Chen
Project Title: Neuroimaging measured longitudinal change in cognigively unimpared individuals
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1603
Aim 1: track the the amyloid deposit change over time in
Aim 2: track the volumetric change over time
Aim 3: track the functional connectivity change over time
Aim 4:

Investigator: Catherine Roe, PhD
Project Title: CDR score and driving cessation
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1602
Aim 1: To characterize driving cessation in relationship to CDR score
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Andrew Aschenbrenner
Project Title: Diffusion Modeling and Preclinical AD
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1601
Aim 1: Use a computational model to describe early cognitive changes in AD
Aim 2: Relate model parameters to underlying neural structure
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Almir Aljovic
Project Title: Using artificial neural networks for predicting the Alzheimer
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1531
Aim 1: See how can we use ANN in biomedical research
Aim 2: Compare classical statistical methods wish ANN processing
Aim 3: Try to use data to train ANN to predict Alzheimer
Aim 4: Better understand AD

Investigator: Brian Gordon
Project Title: Relating Body Mass Index to AD pathology and Risk
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1530
Aim 1: estimate distribution of body mass index in KADRC cohorts
Aim 2: relate BMI to levels of AD pathology
Aim 3: relate BMI to longitudinal cognition
Aim 4: Is there a drop in BMI at the onset of dementia

Investigator: John C. Morris
Project Title: Stage 3 Preclinical AD
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1529
Aim 1: Characterize the transition from cognitive normality to impairment in a case study
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Salvador Olmos
Project Title: Non-parametric analysis of longitudinal biomarker and cognitive data from ACS: CSF and amyloid PET
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1528
Aim 1: To analyze the temporal dynamics of PET-PIB and CSF biomarker data with non-parametric functional mixed-models.
Aim 2: Multimodal description of the joint temporal evolution of PET-PIB and CSF biomarkers
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Sylvia Villeneuve
Project Title: Association between the proximity to the parental age of onset and amyloid burden in individuals at risk of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1527
Aim 1: We aim to elucidate whether individual distance to parental age of disease onset can be a useful parameter to measure disease progression in individuals with a family history of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Aim 2: We are interested in better understanding the contribution of ApoE in moderating the associations detailed in aim 1.
Aim 3: Given that we have found results providing evidence to support our hypotheses regarding aim 1 and 2, we would like to try to replicate our findings in a separate cohort
Aim 4: