The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.
Search Terms:

Investigator: Denise Head
Project Title: Inflammation as a mediator of age, personality and exercise associations with brain structure
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1422
Aim 1: Examine whether inflammatory markers mediate the relationships of aging, personality traits and exercise with regional brain structure.
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: John Morris
Project Title: NIA-AA staging using multiple biomarkers
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1421
Aim 1: To comparing NIA-AA staging criterion using both CSF and imaging biomarkers
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Carlos Cruchaga
Project Title: Identification of genetic factors associated with rate of progression
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1420
Aim 1: To analyze whether other genetic factors associated with CSF ptau181 levels also are associated with progression rate. We are currently performing a GWAS analysis using CSF ptau181 levels as phenotype and we want to test the top hit from this analysis for association with progression rate.
Aim 2:
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Gregory Day
Project Title: Identifying clinical and paraclinical predictors of rate of progression in dementia (RaPID)
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1419
Aim 1: 1. To characterize clinical and paraclinical measures in participants with suspected and/or confirmed rapidly progressive dementia.
Aim 2: 2. To identify clinical and paraclinical measures that predict final diagnoses in patients with rapidly progressive dementia.
Aim 3: 3. To identify clinical and paraclinical measures associated with rapidly progressive, typically progressive and slowly progressive dementia.
Aim 4: 4. To identify clinical and paraclinical measures that predict rate of progression in dementia.

Investigator: Linda Larson-Prior
Project Title: Geriatric Atlases for functional EEG and neurostimulation therapy of aging brains
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1418
Aim 1: Determine whether patterns of atrophy based on CSF volume differ between adults with no amyloid burden vs a mixed population between the ages of 50-100 years
Aim 2: Define and test a morphometric feature space that describes discrete age-group clusters that differ significantly in those features
Aim 3: Create and test age-cluster head models for use in neurostimulation and electrical source imaging studies
Aim 4:

Investigator: Linda Larson-Prior
Project Title: Cognitrive fluctuations in aging and dementia
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1417
Aim 1: To determine the neural network changes that differentiate individuals with cognitive fluctuations from age-matched cognitively normal adults
Aim 2: To determine whether neural network changes associated with cognitive fluctuations differ from changes in those with mild cognitive dysfunction in individuals matched by age and CDR rating
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Dale Bredesen, M.D.
Project Title: ADAD-associated neuropathology from the NACC database
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1416
Aim 1: Compare and contrast the prevalence of amyloid angiopathy in persons with ADAD relative to LOAD
Aim 2: Compare and contrast the prevalence of lewy body pathology in persons with ADAD relative to LOAD
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Steven G. Younkin
Project Title: Association of Sickle Cell Trait With Alzheimer’s Disease
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1415
Aim 1: Determine if sickle cell trait (SCT) is associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
Aim 2: Determine if there is a significant interaction between age and the association of SCT with LOAD
Aim 3:
Aim 4:

Investigator: Dr. John Carl Morris
Project Title: an item-level analysis of frequently missed items on the Mini Mental Sate Exam in cognitively normal older adults
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1414
Aim 1: Determine which items on MMSE are most frequently missed by CDR0 adults
Aim 2: Determine if these items relate to demographic characteristics and family history
Aim 3: Perform a survival analysis to determine if certain items are associated with future progression to AD
Aim 4:

Investigator: Jesse Mez
Project Title: A liability model to increase power in genome-wide association
Date: [153]
Request ID: D1413
Aim 1: To carry out genome-wide association in ADGC African American AD cases and controls using residuals from a liability model that includes genetic and non-genetic risk factors as a quantitative phenotype
Aim 2: To carry out genome-wide association in ADGC white AD cases and controls using residuals from a liability model that includes genetic and non-genetic risk factors as a quantitative phenotype
Aim 3:
Aim 4: