Search Existing Data Requests

The Knight ADRC has supported many investigators at Washington University and at other institutions over the years. We wish to avoid the situation where two investigators study the same research question to avoid duplication of effort and potential conflict. To determine if your topic has already been studied with our resources, please search our database. If you find that your topic or a related topic has been submitted, you may wish to contact the investigator to inquire about their findings to determine how you might proceed. You may wish to collaborate or modify your request to avoid overlap. The results below reflect requests made since online requests have been accepted. As such, not all fields will have data as certain information, such as aims, were not collected until recently. If an entry has been assigned an ID number (e.g. T1004), the full request has been submitted and is either approved, disapproved or in process. If an entry has no ID number, then it represents a submission that has not yet been reviewed. Search terms are applied across an entire requests application including variables not displayed below. A more specific, detailed search may yield better results depending upon your needs.

Search Terms:

Investigator: Lucey

Project Title: Relationship of actigraphic sleep and circadian rhythms to longitudinal change in cognition and AD biomarkers

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1913

Aim 1: To determine the feasibility of a grant application examining the relationship between actigraphic sleep and circadian parameters to longitudinal change in cognition and AD biomarkers from multiple AD cohorts

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Aim 4:

Investigator: Jason Hassenstab

Project Title: Comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) with standard cognitive measures and AD biomarkers.

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1912

Aim 1: To determine if the MoCA subdomain and total scores are comparable to standard neuropsychological measures.

Aim 2: Compared to standard cognitive measures, does the MoCA show equivalent sensitivity to clinical disase progression, as measured by AD biomarkers.

Aim 3:

Aim 4:

Investigator: Nico Dosenbach

Project Title: Associating neuroimaging markers of AD with healthy brain organization

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1911

Aim 1: To determine whether PET images of Beta-Amyloid and Tau have a spatial brain distribution similar to the distribution of Default network substructures observed in healthy individuals

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Aim 4:

Investigator: Palanca

Project Title: White Matter Markers Linking Delirium and AD

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1910

Aim 1: Compare DTI measures of cingulum bundle integrity among patients with recent delirium and controls with preclinical or early AD

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Aim 4:

Investigator: C Karch, GS Day

Project Title: Molecular mechanisms of the central regulator of TREM2 dysfunction (Clinical Correlation Substudy)

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1909

Aim 1: Define the effects of common MS4A4A variants on the clinical expression of AD and related dementias, and disease-associated biomarkers profiles.

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Aim 4:

Investigator: Gregory S Day

Project Title: Investigating Reliability in Reporting of Medical History in Knight ADRC Participants

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1908

Aim 1: Determine the reliability of reported past medical history of stroke and diabetes in Knight ADRC participants.

Aim 2: Quantify the in􀃙?uence of measured variables on reliability in reporting of past medical history of stroke and diabetes in Knight ADRC participants.

Aim 3:

Aim 4:

Investigator: Colin L Masters

Project Title: NIH Grant CSF Data Harmonisation

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1907

Aim 1: Assess the biomarker trajectories of participants from AIBL, ADNI and the ACS that have at least three follow up time points

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Aim 4:

Investigator: Catherine Roe

Project Title: Characteristics and Outcomes of Uncertain Dementia

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1906

Aim 1: What characteristics of the participant distinguish people diagnosed with CDR 05/uncertain dementia from CDR/0 and CDR 0.5/AD individuals?

Aim 2: What characteristics of CDR 0.5/uncertain predict future progression in cognition and to AD?

Aim 3: To what extent does cognitive impairment progress over time among participants with uncertain diagnoses who do not develop AD?

Aim 4:

Investigator: Chihiro Sato

Project Title: Profiling CSF Tau isoforms by Mass Spectrometry for the Diagnosis of Tauopathies

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1905

Aim 1: to collect CSF and matching plasma from various tauopathies and profile CSF tau to improve early diagnostics

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Aim 3:

Aim 4:

Investigator: Arthur Simen, Adam Schwarz

Project Title: Utility of a digital cognitive endpoint in early POC studies in AD

Date: [153]

Request ID: D1904

Aim 1: Assess patient compliance on the ARC app

Aim 2: Generate preliminary estimates of relationships between ARC measures and A/T/N biomarker classification

Aim 3: Generate preliminary estimates of how performance on the ARC app relates to performance on traditional paper and pencil cognitive measures, regional distribution of tau and/or CSF P-Tau and cortical atrophy measured at the same point in time

Aim 4: